Monday, June 30, 2008

ETrade Announces Debt Reduction

ETrade announced it reduced debt in the second quarter by 95.8 million $, brining its year-to-date total debt reduction to 155.8 million $. They expect risk based capital to be near 1 billion $ by years end (MarketWatch link here). I feel strongly about this stock for the following reasons:
1. Back to Basics (retail unit) and sale of retail mortgage unit
2. Strong insider buying
3. improving financials/reduction in losses
4. current price.
5. Victim of a selling frenzy

I feel Etrade is a good rebound play when the market recovers in the next year or so. I think it was caught in the selling frenzy of the subprime crisis and is undervalued. Insider buying is always a strong indicator of price momentum, as an insider only buys stock when he/she believes the price will INCREASE. Plus who better to value the company than the people on the inside.

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